Saturday, December 28, 2013

Time to change up

Okay okay now I know this is every bodies new years resolution but I really want to get serious about getting myself together and in shape. My grandma passed away and she had a lot of health issues and diabetes was one of the things that she had. My grandma said don't wait she said that we should start now. And I just hear her saying that and I know that she would be very proud of me if I finally shed some weight. So I know it isn't going to be easy but I would like to make that life style change and actually do it. I wanna be around for my kiddos, and they would be proud of me too even though they love me any way. So the first of the year I will be in the gym I can do it, I wanna feel good and hey maybe this summer I can get me some cute ass shorts. :) Now don't get it twisted I still wanna be thick I just don't want so much jiggle I want some firmness in some areas. I don't think I'm meant to be skinny I honestly think I would look weird IJS.

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